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Nieuws uit toeristische industrie en persberichten

Lees de nieuwste persberichten, updates en aankondigingen met belangrijk nieuws over bestemmingen en de organisatie.



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VisitBritain, in partnership with MeetEngland, Meet in Wales, VisitScotland Business Events, and ABPCO (Association of British Professional Congress Organisers) explored the importance of ‘impact beyond the plenary’ at its first Association Conference at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).

VisitBritain/Jon Spaull

BTA Chairman Nick de Bois CBE stands behind a podium onstage and speaks to a room of 80 delegates at the VisitBritain Business Events Association Conference
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The VisitBritain Gift Card is now available to purchase on the VisitBritain Shop.

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Get involved in English Tourism Week with the new toolkit


Promotion artwork for English Tourism Week 2024
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VisitEngland’s Tourism Superstar 2024 competition has launched today, Monday 19 February, with the public urged to get involved and cast their vote.

A collage of the finalists for Tourism Superstar 2024