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5.1. Report, improve, repeat

You have stirred the company into action, agreed on your action plan, and enacted some elements of that plan. Now it's time to communicate your commitments and actions to various stakeholders, with integrity and without greenwashing.

Takeaways 5.1

In a nutshell

  • Review all thinking and initiatives so far.

  • Make a statement and generate a report.

  • Keep learning and keep engaging.

Producing an impact statement

There are many ways and places to communicate your new business approach, but a good start is creating a simple Impact Statement or Regenerative Tourism Statement to feature on your website. Here is a template to help you.
  • VisitBritain/VisitEngland

    illustration of regenerative tourism impact statement template

    Impact Report Template (Source: The Sustainable Business Book, Duncan & Duncan)

Producing an annual impact report

For larger businesses, or businesses well-advanced on their regenerative tourism journey, an annual impact report would be the next step. This should be done in the same way as you would publish a traditional annual report, and with the same degree of seriousness and authority.

This is a suggested structure for your report. Not all sections will necessarily apply and of course, you can add whatever additional information you feel is relevant.

  • What is driving this?

    Personal statement from owners/CEO. 

    How we plan to become a more regenerative business.

    Our ImpactStatistics, insights, data.
    Environmental and Social Impact overview.
    Our JourneyOverview of our journey so far.
    Sustainable Development GoalsHow our actions are aligned with global goals.
    Breaking it down
    • Measuring our impact.
    • Reducing our impact.
    • Neutralising/offsetting residual impact. 
    • Managing our supply chain. 
    • Looking after our people. 
    • Understanding our visitors/guests. 
    • Caring for our communities.
    Case studiesSpotlight on a couple of individual initiatives to help tell your story.
    CertificationDetails of any certification or accreditation.
    Sustainability partnersWho we are working with.