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Destination Britain North America 2023

Looking to actively reach the North American travel trade? Destination Britain North America is the perfect opportunity to gain exposure in the USA and Canada.


Applications for Destination Britain North America 2023 are now closed. Stay up-to-date with the latest event information by registering for our industry newsletter.

Destination Britain North America offers UK international trade-ready businesses the unique opportunity to meet hand-picked buyers from these lucrative markets, and to attend expert-led seminars and workshops.

This event enables delegates to strengthen their existing relationships, learn about the market directly from our in-market team and trade, and gain valuable direct contacts to unlock new opportunities.

At a glance

  • Event dates: 7 to 10 September 2023.

  • Registration deadline: Registrations for Destination Britain North America 2023 are now closed.

  • Location: San Francisco, California.

  • Price Range: Primary Delegate: £5,000+VAT.

    Secondary Delegate (shared meeting diary and presence with primary): £2,800+VAT.

  • Grants: There are currently no grants available through VisitBritain, but it is worth checking with your Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) or Destination Management Organisation (DMO) as in some instances grants are available through local authorities to attend overseas trade events.

  • Level of experience required: Experienced.

Who is it for?

International trade-ready businesses, including (but not limited to) destinations, accommodation providers, DMCs, transport providers and attractions.

Priority will be given to businesses, products and experiences that are particularly relevant to the market. To learn more about the North American market watch a playback of our market webinar and read our market research.

All registrations are subject to approval to ensure a variety of regions and product types – and considering market relevance, trade readiness and a capped number per product sector and registration date.

Destination Britain North America highlights

Why should I target the USA and Canada?

The USA is the UK’s leading inbound market for volume and value. In 2022, the UK received 5.5 million North American (including Canada) visits, with a total spend of £6.9 billion. In that year, the USA accounted for 15% of international visits and 22% of spend.

(Source: IPS 2022)

What do I get?

  • One-to-one pre-scheduled appointments with selected US and Canadian buyers actively selling Britain and Europe.

  • Accommodation during the event (check in 7 September, check out 10 September). Additional nights can be booked at additional cost.
  • Dedicated space for meetings with up to 60 buyers from the USA and Canada. Secondary delegates share a table with primary delegates.
  • Networking opportunities throughout the event.
  • Access to a comprehensive list of contacts from the market to follow up with post-event.

What is included?

Destination Britain North America is a workshop with in-person one-to-one appointments. All UK suppliers are provided with a meeting table and a pre-arranged meeting diary, generated by buyers’ and suppliers’ preferences.

Exhibiting partners will benefit from:

  • Table for one-to-one appointments.

  • Online diary to pre-schedule appointments with up to 60 buyers.
  • Seminars and networking opportunities.
  • Database of contacts that have attended the event.
  • Hosted dinner with US and Canadian buyers.

What is not included?

  • Flights/personal transportation from the UK.

  • Expenses and transfers.
  • Any other personal expense.

Apply to attend Destination Britain North America 2023

Delegate places for Destination Britain North America are limited, all applications are subject to approval.

Registrations for Destination Britain North America 2023 are now closed.


Quote from previous attendee


“Destination Britain North America is a ‘must attend’ for TravelBeat and our partners. There isn’t any other event that gets us closer to both the quality and quantity of buyers from across North America than DBNA. Plus, we save a fortune on transport and hotels by meeting everyone together – and thanks to the networking opportunities, we don’t feel like we miss out on quality time with anyone.”

“It is a great opportunity to meet new sales partners, and to raise awareness and position our partners as must-experience attractions and shows. The buyers are always engaged and looking to buy both new and established shows, experiences and attractions – which is exactly what we need from an event like this.”

Destination Britain North America 2022 – UK supplier attendee

Useful contacts

For UK industry, please contact:

Flavia Messina

UK Industry Engagement Manager, London, UK

For International travel trade, please contact:

Diego Perez

Travel Trade Executive, USA

For media, please contact:


Amanda Byrne

Communications Manager, New York, USA

For event registration support, please contact:

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