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2.17. The legal landscape

A guide to legislation and what it means.

Key Takeaways 2.16

In a nutshell

  • Make sure you are familiar with all the legislation relevant to your business because it is potentially changing all the time.

  • Fill in the knowledge gaps where necessary or take suitable advice.

Keeping up with legislation

Legislation is constantly changing, and we expect this to gather pace in the coming years as we get closer to global net zero targets (see section 2.4), with more incentives for good business behaviour and penalties for poor behaviour.

The Pink Book, published biennially by VisitEngland, gives clear guidance and practical information on the legislation that affects accommodation and attractions. From an environmental standpoint, this currently includes single-use plastics and the provision of coal and firewood for guests. 

For the latest updates, visit the Pink Book Online on the Business Advice Hub.