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PLANT Step 2: Learn

The Learn step gives you background on key sustainability issues, core elements of environmental stewardship, what social responsibility means and how your business can contribute to tourism being a force for good.

General information

This is where you will find some broad background information, global context for sustainability and a bit of science.

2.1. Doughnuts, COP and SDGs

Guiding you through a little economic theory and some international initiatives.

2.2. Climate change

A little bit of science, presented fast.

2.3. Carbon in a nutshell

A simple guide to understanding your personal carbon footprint.

2.4. GHG scopes

A guide to understanding your company’s carbon footprint and global reduction ambitions.

2.6. Net zero

A guide to global reduction ambitions.

2.6 Bigging up biodiversity

How biodiversity contributes to the big picture.


Regenerative Tourism Handbook graphics

Environmental stewardship

This component is all about the planet. It covers operational specifics such as energy and water efficiency, supply chains, waste, food, carbon offsetting and plenty of opportunities to stop and think on how to make your operations more efficient.

2.7. Have you got the energy?

A guide to energy efficiency.

2.8. Water, water, not everywhere

A guide to water efficiency.

2.9. You are what you buy

A guide to responsible purchasing.

2.10. Waste not want not 

A guide to managing waste

2.11. Food, glorious food

A guide to responsible food provision.

2.12. Offsetting negative impact

A guide to carbon offsetting.

Social responsibility

Sustainability is not just about the green stuff. It is also about people. This section guides you through the important components of looking after your employees, your guests and visitors, and your community.

2.13. It’s not all about the green stuff

Putting people in the picture.

2.14. It’s all about the green staff

Looking after your employees.

2.15. Growing green guests

Looking after your guests/visitors.

2.16. We’re all in it together

Looking after your community.

Business integrity

Finally how tourism becomes a force for good, what the legal landscape is like and what steps you can take to certification, should you want it.

A guide to legislation and what it means.

2.18. Stepping stones to certification

A guide to certification options and how they can help your business.

2.19. Tourism as a force for good

The power of sustainable and regenerative tourism to be a force for good lies in ensuring everyone involved feels inspired to contribute and has a sense of purpose.