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Sustainability tools and resources

You will find a range of useful resources here - everything from sustainability calculators to guides and tips on managing water, reducing waste, saving energy and ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

Regenerative tourism in action

Take ideas and inspiration from these case studies featuring those who have taken the lead in improving sustainability and seen real business benefit as a result.

The businesses featured are drawn from across England and include everything from activity providers and holiday parks, to museums and stately homes. They all have one thing in common however - they have all embedded sustainability into the heart of their operations. And they are all better businesses as a result.

Mill on the Brue

Transformation through environmental stewardship. 

Managing energy, water and waste resources helped turn a former resource-hungry golf course to a lean, green outdoor activity business.

Laverock Law

Growing green guests

Guests are very much included in the sustainability journey at Laverock Law and it’s clear, with around 50% of guests being repeat visitors, that they really appreciate the way it is woven into everything on offer.

Mother Ivey’s Bay

It pays to be a great employer

Investing in their own team wasn’t just beneficial to the business but also helped raise the reputation of the tourism and hospitality industry locally as a sector of choice for workers.

Berwick Lodge

Embracing the power of partnerships 

Partnering with local organisations and getting the whole staff team engaged in their sustainability initiatives has really paid off for Berwick Lodge.

Simpsons Wine Estate

Building a sustainable, stronger business

Prioritising resource efficiency and environmental responsibility has created the foundation for long-term success and a more resilient business.

National Forest E-Bike Holidays

We’re all in it together 

Blending their sustainability initiatives with distinctive, local experiences has been a winning combination leading to impressive customer satisfaction and national recognition. 

Holkham Hall

Embedding sustainability into the whole business

Find out about how the twin challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change led Holkham Hall to put sustainability at the core of every business decision and guest experience.

The Wellbeing Farm

Stand out with a sense of purpose

Sustainability, which began as a necessity at has become central to the venue’s business growth, operations, marketing and recruitment.

Leicester Museum

Engaging with the community

By focusing on the diverse, local communities has made the visitor experiences at the museum richer, the welcome warmer and the relevance greater than ever before.

Ullswater Hopper

Meeting challenges together

Businesses and organisations working together to provide sustainable local transport options have reduced congestion and carbon and made the visitor offer in the area more resilient. 

Getting to net zero

The UK has made a commitment to net zero: that means us reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 100% (from 1990 levels) by 2050. Here you will find useful resources on measuring your carbon footprint and reducing your climate impacts.

Save energy and reduce climate change impacts

Grow your knowledge of carbon impacts in the hotel industry, calculate your own emissions, and understand the business case for low-carbon hotels with this suite of resources from the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance.

Measure your personal carbon footprint

Find out your personal carbon footprint with the World Wildlife Fund’s calculator, see where you stand compared to the rest of the country and get tips on ways to lower your footprint.

Calculate your business emissions

Use the SME Climate Hub’s tools help measure your business emissions. Measuring and understanding where you are is the first step to taking action and finding some quick-wins to reduce emissions.

Reduce your food business’ impact

Find information, case studies and tools to measure then reduce the carbon footprint of your food business, with Foodsteps’ food sustainability platform

Low carbon transport

Promote car-free travel to your business by signing up to website Good Journey, the site for by finding adventures and attractions by train, bus, bike and foot around the UK. 

Join Emission Possible

Emission reporting can seem daunting but the Emission Possible campaign shows you how to report your carbon emissions and make sector-specific changes.

Already engaged in regenerative tourism? Get the word out!

Already engaged in regenerative tourism? Get the word out!  

Learn how to promote your credentials and stay up to date with advertising regulations with our Communicating Sustainability toolkit

Managing water usage

The tourism industry uses more than its fair share of water. In fact, it is estimated that in some areas visitors use up to eight times as much water as local residents. Learn how to protect wildlife and manage water usage responsibly.

Busting myths about water reuse

Useful explanations of different approaches to water reuse along with myth-busting facts from the UK’s water efficiency organisation, Water Wise.

Practical suggestions to reduce water use

Detailed, sector-specific information and tips on how to run manage and reduce water consumption for a more sustainable tourism business.

Sewage treatment and composting toilets

Find out if reedbed-sewage treatment could work, and learn about water free toilets from the Centre for Alternative technology.

Practice responsible water stewardship

Use this hotel water measurement tool from the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to foster responsible water usage.

Toilet twinning

Support rural communities in the developing nations without access to running water by twinning your toilet.

emissions pdf


Measure your emissions

Read this guide for small business users on how to measure and report your greenhouse gas emissions, from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Download (257.16 KB)

Reducing and managing waste

Around 30% of all food produced, is wasted (1.8 billion tonnes per year). This contributes around 8% of total greenhouse gas emissions – more than the entire aviation sector. Find out about how to reduce your impact, while helping your business commercially and environmentally.

Reduce food waste and save money

Find out how to cut food waste with the Food Waste Reduction Toolkit from The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

Reducing electronic waste

Stem the rising tide of electronic waste with advice and information from the Energy Saving Trust.

Act on textile waste

Textile waste is increasing in England, and is relevant to the tourism sector which uses textiles for uniforms and furnishings. Find out how to reduce textile waste.

Specific advice for the restaurant sector

The Sustainable Restaurant Association connects businesses around the world to accelerate change towards a hospitality sector that is socially progressive and environmentally restorative.

Cutting single-use plastics

Travel Without Plastic estimates an average hotel consumes around half a million individual pieces of single-use plastic each year. They offer a range of free or low-cost resources to help hospitality businesses reduce plastic.

Saving energy

Hotel energy calculator

Measure your energy usage with this free online tool from Hotel Energy Solutions for hoteliers.

Energy saving advice for hotels

The Carbon Trust guide shares energy saving opportunities for the hospitality sector and demonstrates how simple actions save energy, cut costs and increase profit margins.

Smart meter and energy tips for small businesses

Explore money and energy-saving tips suitable for small businesses from Smart Energy GB.

Renewable energy options

Find out more about what’s available when it comes to generating your own energy.

Business and commercial energy explained

Learn more about Business & Commercial Energy with TCD Energy.

VisitEngland Webinar

Watch this recording of our VisitEngland Webinar - Cut energy, save money and reduce carbon emissions with experts in energy procurement and billing, energy saving and renewables installation.

Funding for sustainability improvements

Access available funds to help you on your sustainable journey.

Clean Growth Financing from Lloyds

Learn more about Lloyds Bank’s Clean Growth Financing Initiative, offering discounted lending for sustainable purposes.

Grants for EV charging infrastructure

The government offers grants to support the wider use of electric and hybrid vehicles via the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV). Read guidance on government grants for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.